Automations That Deliver On Time, Every Time

Hear how the team at Zurich Insurance has accelerated their hyperautomation journey

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Automations That Deliver On Time,
​​​​​​​Every Time

When you automate critical processes, you need to deliver trusted outcomes. That’s why Zurich Insurance doesn’t leave their automation to chance. The key to their success - reliability and resiliency.

Join us to hear Dan Humeniuk, Intelligent Automation Architect, discuss how the team at Zurich has accelerated their hyperautomation journey to deliver greater value to the business. He will share how AI-Powered Orchestration has drastically improved SLA adherence and enabled digital operations to flex automatically to meet unpredictable business demands—increasing output and creating revenue.

Hear how Zurich made automation operations sustainable and unlocked scalability by:
  • AI-Powered Orchestration continuously prioritizes work according to business needs—eliminating the burden of manual scheduling
  • Right-sizing their operational support team by automating bot monitoring and failure notifications
  • Upskilling former support team members to improve job satisfaction and scale faster

This session is for you if you're: 
  • Spending too much time monitoring bots
  • Frustrated with scheduling processes manually
  • Limiting when processes run to business hours only
  • Ready to automate critical work with confidence
  • Looking to advance on your hyperautomation journey
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